Gingered Sweet Potatoes

26 Mar

Gingered Sweet Potatoes offer a a different way to prepare and serve this awesome potato.  The ginger adds a touch of bit, heavenly!

Sweet potatoes are amazing, and I love to make them all the time.  They are a perfect side dish, full of vitamins and flavor.  One problem I have with sweet potatoes is that I always seem to prepare them the same way; baked, mashed with some butter and cinnamon, and maybe some brown sugar added in if I’m feeling like I want more sweetness.  Gingered Sweet Potatoes is a great alternative way to present sweet potatoes.

Although the ingredients are similar to how I would normally prepare them, adding in a bit of ginger greatly enhances the natural sweetness of the sweet potato.  Thinly slicing and layering the potatoes, then baking in the oven, makes them really tender and produces a nice caramelized crust on top.

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