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Spinach, Artichoke and Feta Pizza

25 Mar

Spinach, Artichoke and Feta Pizza is an amazing recipe and a great way to curb those pizza cravings without all the guilt.  Flavor packed and so delicious.

Spinach, Artichoke and Feta Pizza is an amazing recipe and a great way to curb those pizza cravings without all the guilt.  The great thing about this recipe is how perfectly seasoned the toppings are, requiring non of the traditional oily, buttery, garlic white pizza sauce.  Sauteing the veggies together with the addition of garlic, dill and salt brings out an awesome flavor everyone will love.
Spinach, Artichoke and Feta Pizza, continued…

Stromboli Recipe

3 Jan

Stromboli Recipe is very easy to make, and perfect for dinner or as a party appetizer.  Pile on the goodness and pass it, no one will be disappointed.

Stromboli Recipe:

This year for Christmas, my mother finally gave me what I have been wanting for a very long time, a family recipe cookbook.  She has been working on this collection since I was a little girl, and I have been dreaming for the day when I would finally get it.  I though to start off the historic cooking collection, it would be fitting make one of my mothers recipes.

Stromboli Recipe, continued…

Sicilian Pizza

8 Oct

Sicilian Pizza is characterized by a thicker dough, and less sauce, cheese and other toppings than traditional American pizzas.  This recipe is amazing!

Making pizza at home is a great family activity, kids love to help out with stretching the dough and arranging the toppings.  Sicilian Style Pizza is a simple recipe with minimal toppings, but, by using your homemade Weekend Tomato Sauce this pizza packs a ton to flavor.  You can always add on a couple of your favorite toppings, some pepperoni or olives.  To make a traditional Sicilian Pizza, add some anchovy.
Sicilian Pizza, continued…

Zucchini & Fresh Tomatoes with Fontina Pizza

19 Apr

Pizza has become a quintessential American comfort food, and this Zucchini & Fresh Tomatoes with Fontina Pizza fits right in.

Pizza has become a quintessential American comfort food, and this Zucchini & Fresh Tomatoes with Fontina Pizza fits right in.  Ever since Italian immigrants started making pizzas in their neighborhoods, it’s been a hit.  Now you can find it topped with all sorts of vegetables, cheeses, seafood, meats, and even eggs and fruits.  There are pita pizzas, French bread pizzas, English muffin pizzas, taco pizzas, and Hawaiian pizzas.

Pizza goes great with soup and salad.  It’s often eaten for breakfast and is probably one of the healthiest fast foods you can buy.  Unless of course your like me, and prefer your pie with extra-cheese.  I love eating this pizza, mainly because I don’t feel bad after eating that extra piece.  This nice thing about this pizza is that if you buy pre-made dough, you can make it in a hurry.  Want it a little more organic, then try your hand at making your own dough.
Zucchini & Fresh Tomatoes with Fontina Pizza, continued…

The Hungry Wife